Raymond John Jones, affectionately known as “Jonesy,” was a towering figure in the world of local sports for over four decades, leaving an indelible mark on the fabric of Hamilton’s sport community. With a passion for athletics rivalled only by his dedication to helping others, Jonesy’s legacy is one of boundless contributions and unwavering commitment to Hamilton’s sports community and its athletes.

Jonesy’s influence was felt in multiple sports, across every level of competition in the city. He served as the Head Trainer for the Hamilton Tiger-Cats, Trainer for Canada’s Men’s National Basketball team, Trainer for McMaster University and Mohawk College, Chairman, Convener, and Coach for the CANUSA Games, Founder of the Hamilton Amateur Basketball Association, and a manager, trainer, and mentor to countless men’s and women’s basketball teams, guiding them to provincial, national, and even international championships, and much, much more.

A beloved husband, father, and grandfather, he was cherished by all who knew him for his kindness, generosity, and infectious spirit. Jones passed away in 2021 at the age of 86.